Special Projects Giving Campaign

We want to keep our focus on serving people and do not want our facility to be a hurdle for ministry.
– We have a multitude of projects we would like to complete over the next few years.
– The total cost of these projects today is estimated at around $300,000
Goal: Raise at least $30,000 by the end of December to get us started on projects in the first part of 2024.
– We are working to create a plan to raise the full $300,000 that we will share in early 2024.
– To maintain an outward focus, we will give 10% of what we raise to local missions; half to Trinity and half to the Women’s Resource Center.
To raise $30,000 by the end of 2023:
– 100 giving units contributing $300 over and above regular giving can get us there.
– Some can give more, and some may be unable to participate.
– We have set a giving target date of December 17.
– Please consider giving generously, willingly, and cheerfully.
Projects list
Add stone for additional parking in East lot, grade and seed part of field for to create more soccer fields, add asphalt to front and West dives and to North parking lot, update old kitchen and chapel, update East parking lot for better drainage, update auditorium bathrooms, remodel auditorium, update missionary house with new siding and windows.
Give online, or simply drop your gift in one of the offering boxes at the church.